MPARTICLE `|`za ' 0539 g' This is a list of shareware names, 'addresses, products and prices that &have been reviewed in Amy PD Review.'Always look in the latest issue of the 'magazine to see if you have the most 'up-to-date address or phone number of 'the shareware producer you are wishing to contact.' Shareware producers... It would be &appreciated if you would keep me'informed of any address, phone number &or product changes that may occur.'Please let me know of any errors in 'this list or if you would prefer me 'not to include you. If you have a 'later release of a product I have 'reviewed please submit it as I will 'gladly do an update on it in the 'magazine. If you think I have made 'mistakes in a review of your product 'please let me know as I would wish to 'correct any made. I want to see 'shareware succeed on the Amiga and 'hopefully this magazine can help in some small way.' If you are buying shareware and the 'fee is quite high it may be a good &idea to phone the producer first'before sending off your money. This 'should make you feel secure that you $have at least got the right address.' I cannot be held responsible for &any errors in this list or any'problems shareware producers may have 'with their customers or problems the 'buyers of shareware may encounter with &the product or it's producer.'Customers anyway should always test &the shareware thoroughly before'buying. Try before you buy is after 'all one of the great advantages of &shareware over their commercial counterparts.& The other main advantages of'shareware are usually cheaper prices &plus personal contact with the'producers. You should also get the 'latest version available too - not one 'that's a year or two old which some 'distributor or retailer has been dying &to flog of onto some unsuspecting mug.' Problems such as buggy software may 'be encountered but that also applies 'to commercial software. Manuals may 'only be provided on disk but this is &in my opinion a boon on a multi-&tasking machine such as the Amiga.'Help can be just a button-click away 'and it sure saves on desk space - not 'to mention trees. The ability to do a 'word search of the whole manual is 'also much better than the usually 'incomplete indexes that come with the paper alternatives.' If you are in the market for Amiga &software I suggest you check out'what's available in shareware - you 'may find the perfect product for you at a sensible price.& And shareware producers... what'price you set for your software is 'your business but make sure it is high 'enough to enable you to at least post &a reply (and receipt) airmail to&anywhere in the world from you'location. If people send off their 'money in good faith but then hear ¬hing from you they are hardly'likely to bother to do so again for 'your next product are they? For all 'they know their payment may be sitting in a dead-letter box somewhere.' Letters to the editor would be 'welcomed on any aspects of shareware &whether you are a customer or producer. ' Not a lot in the index this month "but I will be reviewing shareware 'software every issue so the list will grow. Town Crier Publications 12214 - 94th Pl. N.E. Kirkland, Wa. 98034 Products... "Hollywood Trivia" - $5 USA $ reviewed APDR 1 - Feb93 Shareware: Page 1 of 3 Index Shareware: Page 2 of 3 Index Shareware: Page 3 of 3 Index